Peace of heart lies in perfect resignation
to the will of God. What you need is true
simplicity, a certain calmness of spirit
which comes from entire surrender to all
that God wills, patience and toleration for
your neighbour's faults, and a certain candor
and childlike docility in acknowledging your
own faults.
The trouble you feel about so many things
comes from your not accepting everything
which may happen to you, with sufficient
resignation to God. Put all things, then, in
His hands, and offer them beforehand to
Him in your heart, as a sacrifice.
From the moment when you cease
to want things to be according to your own
judgment, and accept unconditionally
whatever He sends, you will be free from
all your uneasy retrospects and anxieties
about your own concerns. - Francis Fenelon
inner peace
letting go
Francis Fenelon
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